Friday, October 23, 2009

"You give and take away, but my heart will choose to say; Lord Blessed be Your name"

Two major events have taken place over the last 24 hours in my family. Firstly, my aunty Yolanda died from Pancreatic cancer. I only met her one time while I was in Peru two years ago, but I remember I sang for her and other members my favorite opera song at the time. I was very sad to hear she was dying, and my fear was where she would go after she left this world, but I have been reconfirmed knowing she's in heaven along with my Grandma.

Secondly, at 5 am this morning my cousin Christell gave birth to her first baby! A baby boy named Joseph (Joey). I think in the north american culture he would be considered my second cousin, but in spanish and russian cultures he is my nephew and I am his aunt :) One life gone, a new one born. I was a bit shocked when I started crying a bit in class when I got the email, I don't know if it was out of sadness or out of joy. Probably a mix of both.

I hope to see my nephew soon, although that would mean a trip down to Orlando :D We'll see....

PS: I greatly debated whether or not to put a picture of my cousin in labour....yeah, we'll wait for the new born pics instead ;)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mid Terms. Need I say More?

Yep. It's that time.

Even though in all my classes we have 2 tests per term, they're called mid-terms. Which in my mind doesn't make sense, because that would suggest that there would be ONE test half way through the term...right? Anyways, I've done my Microeconomic test, Intro Business test and History & Art test. I have Calculus coming up this teusday (EEK!) and Ancient Greeks the monday after. So far I got my Micro test back, and got 18/20, which I'm pretty happy with. Apparently 90% means an A+, so I can't complain!
I felt that my Intro Bus test was really intense! I ran out of time but got most of it done, however I'm a bit concerned about my mark. Hopefully it won't be too low to drag me down, and that now, knowing what to expect, I will do better on the second test, and lastly the exam. I felt really strong about my History & Art test :D It was easier than I thought it would be, and apart from not being able to remember how to spell Telolilualalalalan (or w/e...) a city in Mexico, I think I aced it!
I'm mostly worried about the Calculus test, mainly because the last two lessons I haven't been able to understand at all from my teacher, but Youtube instructors have helped IMENSELY! I just hope I can learn everything I was supposed to learn in class and get through my assignments and review with little problem, but most importantly, that I will RETAIN what I learn and NOT forget. It happens a bit frequently in's simply not my forte. It's much easier for me to see a picture of an art work and remember who made it, when, what medium, the subject, the title, and symbolic meanings behind the art work and what its trying to convey, as opposed to remembering how to find out the continuity of a limit.
But at least by challenging my mathematically-challenged brain, I (hope) am developing some weak areas of my brain. But, unless I REALLY need to take Intro Cal 2 for third year Economics, and IF I even take 3rd year Economics, this will be my VERY LAST math class EVER AGAIN!!!

So, wish me luck!!!