I love Dogs. My whole family does, and I've grown up with a couple of them over the years. We currently have 3 dogs, a chocolate lab named Sonny who we've had since he was 4 months old, got him almost 5 years ago. And this past Febuary we adopted two old timers, Ceasar and Cleo (patra), two 9 year old Basset Hounds. I love each one to pieces, but if I were 100% honest, I think I just might love Caesar a tinsy winsy tiny bit more. Why?
I'll tell ya, it isn't because he's the cutest, or the smartest, in fact, out of all three he's the 'ugliest' and by far the smelliest with a killer dog breath. Not to mention his front legs are bent crooked (a bone problem overweight basset hounds tend to suffer from) like two brakets sticking out --> )( . But he's my baby.
Now, lately their health is become fragile, both Cleo and Caesar. And since the foster girls are in charge of walking them and feeding them afterschool, unfortunately, they don't give them water when they do and the dogs have became dehydrated very fast, and sick. Up until the point where neither of them would eat (now if you had seen these guys a few months back, they fought with each other sometimes to get more food) until we realized that they haven't been drinking in a few days. That along with some digestive problems, Caesar went very bone thin (when we first got them they were both very overwieght and could have died already, but with us they becaue very fit and healthy) and for reasons we don't know, his nose was stuffy and he had trouble breathing. Last night Caesar and Cleo wouldn't touch their food so my dad gave them water again, Cleo felt better, but Ceasar didn't. We let them sleep in the mudroom rather than in their 'bunkbed shelter' in the garage. This morning we thought we were going to loose him.